We Provide Client-Centered Care for Rural Communities

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Spread your generosity throughout the year, maximizing your impact!

Project BEE provides client-centered care for rural communities. We are committed to providing equity through our anti-poverty programs and wrap-around services. Every person deserves dignity and respect.

We Offer:
To Our Clients:
We focus on increasing your financial equity through our supportive services. Our goal is to help you increase your skill set, so that you can be empowered for the future. We offer our services to every person who needs them.
Project BEE desires our services to evolve as the needs of the clients in our service area change. We plan to Recover, Repair, and Restore in order to continue to meet our rural community's needs today, tomorrow, and for years to come. We are very hopeful to reinstate our Emergency Family Shelter soon.

Diapers Donated
Provided >180 families in 2023 alone!

Providing Shelter
Over 5800 nights of shelter provided
We Need You...
Support the Hive
Your generous donations ensure that we are able to provide resources through Project BEE to meet local needs of homelessness. There are a variety of ways individuals and organizations can be involved and support Project BEE.
“Bee” a Volunteer
The Project BEE hive is a busy place. We have volunteer opportunities to fit almost anyone, from one-time event support to regularly scheduled time slots and more.
Join the Board
We are always on the look out for new board members to join our mission in empowering people, and providing peace, justice, freedom and dignity to all.
Send a Donation
All contributions are used locally in North Dakota. Because of some nonprofit partnerships, we can purchase products at a deeply discounted rate. This makes your cash donations go even further!

“Project Bee works hard to be transparent with their donors and clients. I appreciate the interactions from their development team and the personalized, handwritten notes. I love the stories of the impact our donations have-we can help them to help so many!"