Our Impact
Project BEE desires our services to continue to evolve as the needs of our service area change. We want to continue to meet rural community needs, not just now, but long into the future.
Below is a summary of the impact Project BEE has had through our programs in recent years through the generosity of our supporters and volunteers.

Dakota Diaper Pantry
The need is great. Project BEE’s diaper pantry is one of only a few diaper pantries serving the entire state of North Dakota. Many parents are required to provide diapers to have their child in daycare while they work or go to school. According to the National Diaper Bank Network, 57% of parents experiencing diaper need said they missed an average of four days of school or work in the previous month because they didn't have diapers to supply to their daycare facility.
The average cost of a one-month supply of diapers for one child is $80, and that cost is rising. It is also not uncommon for a family to have two or more children in diapers at once.

Emergency Shelter
We are currently not offering this program but hope to reopen this service soon. It provides a safe, clean environment for families up to 60 days. During this time, individuals/families will work with a case manager to learn how to obtain a living income, organize a comfortable home, and provide a nurturing environment for themselves and their families.

Hygiene Pantry
This service provides individuals in need the items they necessary for daily hygiene care like soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, and razors. It also will provide women with period hygiene products. We also have limited supplies of adult incontinence briefs. Although we often receive referrals from social services and other nonprofits, a referral is not required and anyone in need may come for these items.

Fresh Start Shower Program
This service offers private time, by appointment, for showering and hygiene. All supplies are given to clients including soap, conditioner, towels, deodorant, razor, toothbrush, and toothpaste. Basic hygiene services provide much more than just a shower; this often eliminates the barrier of securing opportunities that could free individuals from the cycle of homelessness. We offer the only free showers in Minot. We have seen men experiencing homelessness enter employment again through this program. A shower and shave make a huge difference in a person’s self-image and the image they present to others.

For information about how you can be involved in supporting Project BEE, please visit our GET INVOLVED page.